Graduation Templates

With graduation dates set years in advance, you’ve got plenty of time to plan multiple parties and events. Make sure your invites are amazing, too.
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You’ve been in school FOREVER. Use our graduation templates to proclaim your release.

Four (or 6 or 8 or 12) years is a long time to wait for anything, but you’ve been working hard, so you deserve some accolades. Especially since after your graduation party, you’ll have to find a different school or get a job. But seriously, enjoy yourself!

Unfortunately, just like your schoolwork, there is a process required to achieve this enjoyment.

1. Announce your graduation

2. Invite people to your graduation

3. Invite people to your graduation party

Naturally, we have graduation announcement templates, graduation invitation templates, and graduation party invitation templates. Think of them as study guides for an open note test. Everything you need is right there — you just need to make them your own.

Select a template, add a photo of your successful face, include the deets, and wait for the congratulations to roll in.

And we’d be honored to be the first — Congrats!

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