Instagram Design

PicMonkey is perfect for designing Instagram Stories, posts, and more!
100s of pre-sized Instagram templates
1000s of business graphics
Millions of royalty-free stock photos & videos
Powerful photo editing tools
Advanced touch-up tools and filters

How to use Instagram templates
Choose a template
Select a stylin’ Instagram template from our ginormous design template library.
Customize for your brand
Click and replace words and pics. Use Brand Kits to keep it on-brand.
Export to Instagram
When your design is ready to go, just export and upload to the ‘gram.
Instagram Stories templates
Choose from our designer-crafted templates to tell your best story yet. Simply click and replace our text and images with your own to make a unique design.
Instagram post templates
Stop the scroll with your next Instagram post. Our designer-made templates help you look polished and pro, plus you can customize any part of the template to make it truly and uniquely yours.
Marketing your business on Instagram
Make custom Instagram Highlight covers
Open a Highlight cover blank canvas. Find it here.
Select a background color.
Choose from our Insta Story Highlight graphics, center on canvas.
Export your design, and upload to Instagram.
Read the in-depth tutorial: Make Custom Instagram Highlight Covers in PicMonkey
Graphics for Instagram
We have 6,000+ customizable graphics for your designing pleasure. Check out these sets and more: